WASHINGTON, Nov. 12—Secretary of State William P. Rogers expressed the Administration's growing concern today that the border clashes between India and Pakistan might lead to an all‐out war.
Mr. Rogers, addressing a luncheon of the journalistic society, Sigma Delta Chi, said that the United States had “urgently counseled both sides to follow maximum restraint” and was “quietly trying to defuse the situation” between the two Southeast Asian neighbors.
“We are apprehensive that these clashes might lead to the outbreak of hostilities in the days ahead,” he said. In answer to a question, after his prepared remarks, Mr. Rogers said that the United States, in case of war, “will do everything we can to stay out.”
Questioned for an Hour
Mr. Rogers covered a wide range of subjects in his brief introductory speech and in an hour of answers to questions. He spoke before President Nixon's White House news conference, at which plans for further troop cuts in Vietnam were disclosed.
On other issues, Mr. Rogers made the following points:
¶The United States believes the time has come for talks on the Middle East to be held with Egyptian and Israeli representatives “in close proximity,” an allusion to the so‐called “New York hotel” plan by which Arab and Israeli sides would have alternate floors with a mediator going back and forth. But the Secretary gave no indication of any break‐through.
¶The Administration has only “modest expectations” about President Nixon's trip to Peking and does not foresee the establishment of diplomatic relations, because of Washington's continued support for Taipei. Mr. Rogers said that “more concrete results” were expected from Mr. Nixon's trip to Moscow.
¶The United States has “every reason to be hopeful” that the negotiations on limitation of strategic arms, which are scheduled to resume in Vienna on Monday, “will result in a successful conclusion.” Mr. Rogers said that this round of the talks would concentrate on limitation of offensive weapons.
Mr. Rogers's stress on the situation along the Indian‐Pakistani border reflected the apprehension throughout the intelligence and foreign policy community here over the prospects that the simmering feud, brought on by the attempt of Pakistani authorities to crush the separatist movement in East Pakistan, may soon erupt into all‐out fighting.
Border Crossings Reported
A key State Department official said that there “obviously is a deteriorating military situation” along the the border. According to reports reaching Washington, Indian troops have crossed the East Pakistani border and have dug in in at least in one area.
Pakstani forces have also reportedly crossed over to block East Pakistani guerrillas and Indian forces from entering Pakistan.
“We are alarmed at the step-up in incidents and threats that are coming from the scene and the possibility that irrationality will catch hold,” one official said.
Mr. Rogers has played an active role in seeking an interim settlement to the Middle East situation. He said that it has become “cumbersome” to conduct talks at great distances and that he thought that progress might be made if representatives of the two sides were physically near each other.
Administration officials are known to be concerned over the recalcitrant positions taken by Egypt and Israel, and the apparent breakdown of efforts to get the talks moving.
The Secretary said he expected relations with China to progress gradually and that all that could be expected as a result of the President's visit to Peking would be an exchange of journalists, scholars and scientists and, perhaps, a modest beginning in trade.
He indicated more optimism about reaching agreement, or starting talks, on a range of East‐West issues in the coming months in advance of the Nixon trip to Moscow.