By Reuter
Page: 5
Delhi, May 2.—One of India's leading newspapers, the Hindustan Times, today said that the country's news media had lacked objectivity, credibility and professionalism in their reporting of the strife in East Pakistan.
The editorial said India had a free press which could be counted among its prized democratic assets. "Opinion formation, however, rests primarily on objective reporting and presentation of news.
"Credibility is vital. It is this that has been damaged by the unfortunate lack of professionalism displayed by the Indian print and sound media in their coverage of the fighting in Bangla Desh.
The newspaper said that independent sources, including foreign nationals, had confirmed that the Pakistan Army indulged in a vindictive bloodbath, but added, "It was soon evident that serious fighting was localized around Chittagong and certain other pockets. For the rest, military action was relatively light—in the nature of limited skirmishing or holding operations—and the unarmed and untrained Mukti Fauj (Liberation army) volunteers melted away before the army's show of strength . . . "
The editorial went on: "The subsequent contradictions and confusion and the credibility gap this has created reflects poorly on the Indian Press --Reuter.