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Reports that have reached this country leave no room to doubt that the Government of Pakistan has abandoned peaceful negotiations and democratic procedures in East Pakistan and is seeking to subjugate a majority of its own citizens by military force. To this end, it has loosed the terrors of modern warfare including tanks, planes, and artillery, against unarmed people, killing literally thousands.
Outsiders can sympathize with the grave troubles and concerns of the Government of Pakistan, but they cannot remain silent when it is making war on its own people. We believe that no government has a right to impose its will by force of arms on a populace that has spoken so unanimously as the people of East Pakistan and whose aspirations are so reasonable.
All of us have been actively concerned for many years with the problems faced by Pakistan and with the struggle of its people, in both the West and the East, for a better life. We have been heartened by the progress that was being made toward a more ample life and toward democracy. But we fear that the present course of the Government of Pakistan can lead only to disaster. We urge you, in the name of humanity and out of love for your country, to arrange for a truce before all is lost, and to restore legitimate and responsive government in East Pakistan with all possible haste.
Dr. Frank C. Child Dr. Edward S. Mason
Dr. Edwin H. Clark II Mr. John W. Mellor
Dr. Paul G. Clark Dr. Gustav F. Papanek
Dr. James Coleman Dr. Hanna Papanek
Dr. Edward C. Dimock, Jr. Dr. Stefan H. Robock
Dr. Robert Dorfman Dr. Peter Rogers
Dr. Walter P. Falcon Dr. James A. F. Stoner
Dr. John C. H. Fei Dr. John W. Thomas
Dr. Richard W. Gable Dr. D. Wynne Thorne
Dr. Robert Gomer Dr. Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson)
Dr. Gary Hufbauer Dr. Stanislaw Wellisz
Dr. John Isaacs Dr. Winston W. Wetzen
Dr. Kiromitsu Kaneda Dr. Jerome B. Wiesner
Dr. Maurice D. Kilbridge Dr. Wayne Wilcox
Dr. Stephen R. Lewis Jr.