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DACCA, EAST PAKISTAN.-Lt. Gen. Tikka Khan, martial law administrator of East Pakistan, said today "there was quite a lot of massacre" during civil war here.
"I am sorry to say there was quite a lot of massacre, mainly directed against pro-Pakistani and pro-regime elements . . . Bengalis against non-Bengalis," the general said. His West Pakistani troops completely control Dacca.
Tikka referred to widely reported accounts of mass killings of non-Bengali people by indigenous Bengalis, whipped up by political developments that led to civil war in March.
Tikka said his troops had to kill students and others who he said fired when the Pakistan army tried to disarm them.
Foreign Journalists who arrived in Dacca today found only a scant portion of the city's one million inhabitants of its normally teeming streets. Signs everywhere underscored the crippling economic damage from the strife.