Thank you for visiting the Bangladesh Archives. These archives are a collection of material on the 1971 war of Independence in Bangladesh. Material includes Newspaper and magazine articles. Documents from the US government and other sources, videos and audio matieral. Any suggestions and contributions of material is always welcome.

This page is very much a work in progress and new material is added regularly. The site currently has the following content.
Total items: 3024 — Text : 2762 — Image : 12 — Video : 250 — Audio : 0

The latest update was on: 2024-06-16 21:38:19 GMT



Baltimore Sun

  • Pakistan Storm
  • Yahya planned attack on East Pakistan — John E. Woodruff
  • Christian Science Monitor

  • Civil Strive in East Pakistan
  • Daily Telegraph (London)

  • Tanks crush revolt in Pakistan — Simon Dring
  • Library of Congress - Kissinger Papers

  • Transcript of Telephone Conversation Between President Nixon and His Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) — Kissinger & Nixon
  • New York Post

  • How army tanks blasted a city — Michel Laurent
  • New York Times

  • Heavy Killing Reported — Sydney H. Schanberg
  • Delegates See Thant
  • Indian Volunteers Sought to go to Aid East Pakistanis — James P. Sterba
  • Resistance in Chittagong — Tillman Durdin
  • Pakistan Reports Opposition in East has been Crushed
  • Reuters

  • Times (London)

  • Bengalis fight for ports to starve army into defeat — Peter Hazelhurst
  • ‘At Dacca University burning bodies of students still lay in their dormitory beds ... A mass grave had been hastily covered ... — Michel Laurent, Associated Press
  • Fierce fighting for towns described by officer — Ram Suresh, Reuter
  • East Pakistanis plead for recognition by Britain
  • U.S. National Archives

  • Telegram 986 From the Consulate General in Dacca to the Department of State, March 30, 1971, 0905Z — Archer Blood
  • Washington Post

  • Bengalis See U.S. Role in Rawalpindi Effort — Selig S. Harrison
  • Dacca Eyewitness: Bloodbath, inferno — Simon Dring
  • Tragedy in Pakistan