Thank you for visiting the Bangladesh Archives. These archives are a collection of material on the 1971 war of Independence in Bangladesh. Material includes Newspaper and magazine articles. Documents from the US government and other sources, videos and audio matieral. Any suggestions and contributions of material is always welcome.

This page is very much a work in progress and new material is added regularly. The site currently has the following content.
Total items: 3024 — Text : 2762 — Image : 12 — Video : 250 — Audio : 0

The latest update was on: 2024-06-16 21:38:19 GMT



New York Times

  • Yahya Schedules a Secret Trial Of Separatist Chief Tomorrow
  • Editorial: Soviet-Indian Pact
  • Meant to Deter Pakistan — Sydney H. Schanberg
  • India and Russians Sign 20-Year Friendship Pact — Bernard Gwertzman
  • Pakistan Says Indian Shells Killed 20 in a 9-Day Period
  • Rogers Gives $1-Million to Thant For Relief Work in East Pakistan — Sam Pope Brewer
  • Concern in Washington
  • Times (London)

  • Indians sign surprise treaty of friendship with Moscow — Peter Hazelhurst
  • Mr Rogers sees U Thant over Pakistan
  • Million Indians at Bangla Desh mass rally — Reuters
  • Mrs Gandhi presents Bill to abolish maharajahs — Associated Press and United Press International
  • UN needs £60m quickly for Bengal refugees — Alan McGregor
  • Purpose of Gromyko mission to Delhi was to avert a war — David Bonavia
  • The Times Diary: Pak again
  • - And on the bengal border
  • Sheikh Mujib trial begins tomorrow in secret
  • U.S. National Archives

  • SUBJECT Discussion with U Thant on the UN Relief Effort in East Pakistan — William Rogers