Articles from Times (London)

1969-12-07Times (London)Army holds trump in Pakistan’s house of cards
1970-01-01Times (London)The war of last resort
1970-11-29Times (London)Cyclone victims will need relief for a year
1970-11-29Times (London)INSIGHT: ‘False Alarm’ failure of warning system
1970-12-09Times (London)Pakistan poll gives Mr. Bhutto leadership of the west and Sheikh Mujibur victory in east
1970-12-09Times (London)The two new uncrowned kings
1971-01-14Times (London)A scenario for violence and separation in Pakistan
1971-01-25Times (London)Pakistan envoy ordered out
1971-02-01Times (London)Kashmiris threaten to blow up seized plane
1971-02-04Times (London)Delhi MP held in protest over hijack
1971-02-05Times (London)India bans overflights by Pakistan civil aircraft
1971-02-06Times (London)India demands return of hijackers
1971-02-10Times (London)India demands compensation from Pakistan
1971-02-16Times (London)West Pakistan leader to boycott assembly session
1971-02-20Times (London)The crisis of Bengal
1971-02-22Times (London)Pakistan Cabinet
1971-02-23Times (London)President Yahya Khan acts to avert crisis
1971-02-25Times (London)A race against time to save the good earth
1971-02-27Times (London)Ad supporting the Pakistan People's Party in the London Times
1971-02-28Times (London)Pakistan faces danger of falling apart
1971-03-02Times (London)General replaces Governor of East Pakistan
1971-03-02Times (London)President Yahya Khan postpones Pakistan Assembly
1971-03-03Times (London)Wave of protest sweeps across East Pakistan
1971-03-04Times (London)Conference called to solve crisis in Pakistan
1971-03-05Times (London)Pakistan at flashpoint as east and west near break-up
1971-03-05Times (London)E Pakistan claim of 300 shot dead
1971-03-06Times (London)East Pakistan leader could decalre UDI
1971-03-06Times (London)E Pakistan riots turn into organized revolt
1971-03-06Times (London)THE CRISIS OF BENGAL
1971-03-08Times (London)Pakistan hesitates before making the final choice between compromise and head-on collision
1971-03-08Times (London)Shaikh's tough terms for President Yahya
1971-03-09Times (London)Pakistan hesitates before making the final choice between compromise and head-on collision
1971-03-09Times (London)Britons are advised to leave East Pakistan
1971-03-10Times (London)Fears of disintegration: The Pakistani dream in tatters
1971-03-10Times (London)Left pledges support for Shaikh Mujibur
1971-03-11Times (London)Coalition urged to save Pakistan from split
1971-03-12Times (London)Conciliatory signs in Pakistan
1971-03-13Times (London)General Yahya on his way to E Pakistan
1971-03-15Times (London)Army order may cause new Dacca violence
1971-03-16Times (London)Troops out in Dacca for Yahya visit
1971-03-17Times (London)Peace hopes in Pakistan rise as leaders agree
1971-03-19Times (London)Setback for Pakistan peace hopes as inquiry is rejected
1971-03-20Times (London)Sign of a breakthrough in crisis talks with President Yahya
1971-03-20Times (London)20 reported killed as Pakistan Army opens fire on civilians
1971-03-21Times (London)Khan says army will stop split
1971-03-22Times (London)Troops train guns on angry Bengalis as Mr Bhutto arrives for Dacca talks
1971-03-23Times (London)President Yahya Khan again postpones session of national assembly
1971-03-23Times (London)IMAGE: Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the East Pakistan leader; in Dacca for talks on the constitutional crisis
1971-03-24Times (London)Left challenges E Pakistan leader on independence
1971-03-25Times (London)Bengalis out for independence by any means
1971-03-25Times (London)Punjab launches mass protest as President prepares to cede power to E Pakistan
1971-03-26Times (London)Shots in Dacca as E Pakistan drifts nearer to secession
1971-03-27Times (London)Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, now faces the crisis he has always feared
1971-03-27Times (London)Pakistan on the brink of war
1971-03-27Times (London)Heavy Fighting as Sheikh Mujibur Declares E. Pakistan Independent
1971-03-27Times (London)IMAGE: Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, a symbol of Bengali resistance
1971-03-28Times (London)Big guns blast unarmed Bengalis
1971-03-28Times (London)EDITORIAL: Pakistan: A time to speak out
1971-03-28Times (London)The second flood of East Pakistan
1971-03-29Times (London)Heavy battles reported for control of the main Cities of East Pakistan
1971-03-29Times (London)More ‘Independence’ moves
1971-03-29Times (London)Solid support for Sheikh from all over India
1971-03-29Times (London)Bengal fighting may bring Indian attack
1971-03-29Times (London)EDITORIAL: The watching neighbours
1971-03-29Times (London)IMAGE: Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto: "Pakistan is Saved".
1971-03-29Times (London)Move to bring Britons out seems unlikely
1971-03-29Times (London)Tanks smash barricades in Dacca
1971-03-29Times (London)Chance for the left in E Bengal
1971-03-29Times (London)As the dream of a Pakistan united by Islam fades, dictatorship and Army rule seem the lesser evil
1971-03-30Times (London)Bengalis fight for ports to starve army into defeat
1971-03-30Times (London)‘At Dacca University burning bodies of students still lay in their dormitory beds ... A mass grave had been hastily covered ...
1971-03-30Times (London)Fierce fighting for towns described by officer
1971-03-30Times (London)East Pakistanis plead for recognition by Britain
1971-03-31Times (London)President Yahya was advised against force
1971-04-01Times (London)W Pakistan troops pull back to cities
1971-04-01Times (London)35,000 reported killed in Dacca
1971-04-01Times (London)Indian support for E Pakistan cause
1971-04-02Times (London)Pakistan army said to be wiping out leaders in brutal war
1971-04-02Times (London)Revenge fears by non-Bengali Muslims
1971-04-02Times (London)Mass slaughter of Punjabis in East Bengal
1971-04-03Times (London)RAF flying British subjects out of Dacca
1971-04-03Times (London)The slaughter in East Pakistan
1971-04-03Times (London)Shaikh Mujib's forces said to have gained footholds in several towns
1971-04-03Times (London)East Pakistan: Bengali Maoists plead for arms from Indians
1971-04-03Times (London)Road to Dacca airport a mass grave
1971-04-05Times (London)Rebel fighters lacking leadership, food and medical supplies
1971-04-05Times (London)Podgorny appeal to President Yahya to end bloodshed in E. Pakistan
1971-04-05Times (London)Armed Indian Maoists pour into E Bengal
1971-04-05Times (London)American saves three Britons from execution
1971-04-06Times (London)Massacre of thousands of refugees by Bengalis alleged
1971-04-06Times (London)East is East and West is West in Bengal
1971-04-07Times (London)IMAGE: Maulana Bhasani: At home in an Islamic state.
1971-04-07Times (London)Famine fears may force Pakistan talks
1971-04-07Times (London)British refugees from Chittagong tell of murder by both sides
1971-04-07Times (London)East Bengal's leftists bide their time
1971-04-08Times (London)Efforts to trace six Britons missing in East Pakistan
1971-04-10Times (London)Bengali rebels contain Pakistan troops
1971-04-11Times (London)Murder has been arranged
1971-04-12Times (London)Indians die in Bengal battle, Pakistan says
1971-04-12Times (London)W Pakistan troops use tanks in drive to seize rebel held towns
1971-04-13Times (London)Thousands still fleeing frightened Dacca
1971-04-13Times (London)Witness to a massacre in East Pakistan
1971-04-13Times (London)Bengal clashes raise the spectre of big-power conflict
1971-04-14Times (London)Bengal rebels seek British recognition
1971-04-14Times (London)East Bengal resistance crumbles as troops advance
1971-04-15Times (London)Bengal rebels must now fight underground
1971-04-16Times (London)Indian warning to Pakistan brings threat of wider conflict
1971-04-17Times (London)Old wounds reopned
1971-04-17Times (London)East Bengal rebel HQ falls after jet raids
1971-04-18Times (London)Far from the holocaust
1971-04-19Times (London)Bengal army abandons south-west
1971-04-19Times (London)Mujib moved
1971-04-19Times (London)Rebel commander admits ‘odds are against us’
1971-04-20Times (London)Exile government of Bangla Desh meets in Calcutta
1971-04-21Times (London)West Pakistan troops use tanks in drive to seize rebel-held towns
1971-04-21Times (London)India will deny bases to East Bengalis
1971-04-21Times (London)Full account promised of moves on Pakistan
1971-04-22Times (London)Indian sanctuary for 258,000 Bengal refugees
1971-04-22Times (London)China 'betraying communism for the West'
1971-04-23Times (London)Angry Bengalis attack hotel in Calcutta after arrival of new envoy from Pakistan
1971-04-23Times (London)Cholera grips refugees from E Pakistan
1971-04-24Times (London)Naxalites oppose Bengal independence groups
1971-04-26Times (London)India demands pledge on diplomats in Dacca
1971-04-26Times (London)East Bengalis switch to battle for food
1971-04-26Times (London)Giving up all for Bangla Desh
1971-04-27Times (London)India and Pakistan ban diplomats' departure
1971-04-28Times (London)Five reported killed by Pakistanis in night raid into India
1971-04-29Times (London)India adopts firm line in Pakistan dispute
1971-05-01Times (London)Bitterness divides Pakistani community
1971-05-01Times (London)Exchange of fire across Indo-Pakistan border
1971-05-02Times (London)Pakistan: The communal carnage
1971-05-03Times (London)IMAGE: Oxfam and War on Want - East Bengal Relief Fund
1971-05-03Times (London)Press criticized for handling of Pakistan affair
1971-05-03Times (London)India says civilians died in bombing
1971-05-04Times (London)Pakistan and India both angry about planes
1971-05-04Times (London)IMAGE: Ad in the Personals section of the Times
1971-05-05Times (London)Ilyushin Planes ready for airlift
1971-05-06Times (London)Call for aid to Pakistan refugees
1971-05-06Times (London)India accused of big build-up on border
1971-05-07Times (London)India asks United Nations to meet refugee costs
1971-05-07Times (London)British relief funds blocked for Pakistan
1971-05-08Times (London)Mrs Gandhi refuses Bangla Desh recognition
1971-05-10Times (London)Indian border area shelled by Pakistan forces
1971-05-11Times (London)All serious Bengali resistance now over
1971-05-12Times (London)Influx of refugees brings threat of an India-Pakistan crisis
1971-05-12Times (London)Pakistan relief best done by UN
1971-05-13Times (London)IMAGE: Petition to suspend aid to West Pakistan
1971-05-13Times (London)India tells UN it will need £140m. a year to feed two million refugees from East Pakistan
1971-05-14Times (London)Government stops guaranteeing credit on goods exported to Pakistan
1971-05-15Times (London)Shelterless East Bengalis now vulnerable to a cholera outbreak
1971-05-15Times (London)Mr Heath and Pakistan President in touch on political settlement
1971-05-17Times (London)Officer admits that Bengalis are murdering Biharis
1971-05-17Times (London)India tells Pakistan to end terror and let millions return
1971-05-19Times (London)Road of death for Bengali refugees
1971-05-20Times (London)India and Pakistan near war as troops move up to border
1971-05-21Times (London)'Famine used to crush Bengalis'
1971-05-22Times (London)Split feared in Bengal Liberation Front
1971-05-22Times (London)Pakistan: Payments plan approval likely
1971-05-24Times (London)Calcutta prepares defences as border troops dig in
1971-05-24Times (London)Tariq All is secret agent
1971-05-24Times (London)Towns lie empty as Bengal slaughter continues
1971-05-25Times (London)Prime Minister of Bangla Desh asks for British recognition in secret interview
1971-05-25Times (London)Pakistan plans elected rule
1971-05-26Times (London)Exchange of heavy fire over Bengal border
1971-05-26Times (London)Pakistan refugee offer seen as cruel joke
1971-05-26Times (London)India seeks aid 'blockade' on Yahya Khan regime
1971-05-27Times (London)Indians say Pakistan has lost 120 in clashes
1971-05-28Times (London)Why India may not be able to afford not to go to war
1971-05-31Times (London)Calcutta struggles to stem inrush of Bengalis seeking to escape starvation
1971-06-01Times (London)Plea to world by India as cholera epidemic goes out of control
1971-06-02Times (London)Exiled leaders of Bangla Desh tell President Yahya to expect a fight to the finish
1971-06-02Times (London)Pakistan rebels send UN evidence of Dacca terror attack
1971-06-02Times (London)Charities seek change in aid ruling
1971-06-03Times (London)Cholera kills 10 an hour in W Bengal camps
1971-06-04Times (London)Secret Catalogue of Guilt And Disaster Over East Pakistan
1971-06-04Times (London)Drug supplies running out as 5,000 refugees die of cholera
1971-06-05Times (London)British charities rush out vaccine as Bengal cholera threatens 60 million
1971-06-05Times (London)Half Hindu population flees from East Bengal fearing persecution by Muslim troops
1971-06-06Times (London)The great plague of Bengal
1971-06-07Times (London)Indian seal off border as monsoon brings new perils to cholera victims
1971-06-07Times (London)Mrs Gandhi appeals to the world
1971-06-07Times (London)World wakes up at last but it may be too late
1971-06-07Times (London)Britain in defence of its £1m aid offer
1971-06-07Times (London)U Thant foresees speedy and substantial relief
1971-06-08Times (London)Food needs of Bengal refugees beyond UN agency's resources
1971-06-08Times (London)Race strife as well as cholera seen as threat to Bengal refugees
1971-06-09Times (London)Labour clash on Bengal aid forces Commons debate today
1971-06-09Times (London)Indian townspeople turn on refugees squatting in mosques and houses
1971-06-09Times (London)UN faces giant relief task
1971-06-09Times (London)Britain ready to give more help to refugees
1971-06-09Times (London)Aid is big business now
1971-06-10Times (London)Britain’s response to cholera crisis astounds India as deaths fall
1971-06-10Times (London)Indian tempers beginning to wear thin as refugees wreck town life
1971-06-10Times (London)Relief supplies will not be held back
1971-06-10Times (London)Only a settlement by Pakistanis can reverse river of refugees
1971-06-11Times (London)Commons delegation to see refugees’ plight in E Pakistan
1971-06-11Times (London)India has to feed and shelter equivalent of entire small nation
1971-06-11Times (London)Letters from Britons tell of Pakistan atrocities
1971-06-11Times (London)Karachi offers amnesty to all who return
1971-06-11Times (London)Pakistan raise jute prices
1971-06-12Times (London)Soviet planes join US in massive airlift of 21 million Bengal refugees
1971-06-12Times (London)Nearly £500,000 raised in Britain in three days
1971-06-12Times (London)The Times Diary:Salman Ali’s awkward dilemma
1971-06-13Times (London)Genocide
1971-06-13Times (London)Why The Refugees Fled
1971-06-13Times (London)The march of misery
1971-06-13Times (London)The politics explained: Why Yahya sent in the troops
1971-06-14Times (London)Dwindling flow of refugees suggests West Bengal border has been sealed off
1971-06-14Times (London)The death of a citizen of Bangla Desh
1971-06-14Times (London)Britain urged to help Bengalis only
1971-06-14Times (London)Pakistan paper attacks version in The Times
1971-06-14Times (London)President Yahya sees British MPs on aid
1971-06-15Times (London)Firing brings new risk of Indo-Pakistan war
1971-06-15Times (London)Young flock to join secret army
1971-06-15Times (London)Charities hopeful of taking aid into Pakistan
1971-06-16Times (London)Labour MPs indict Army atrocities in Pakistan
1971-06-16Times (London)UN visitor says things better in E Pakistan
1971-06-16Times (London)Police take over patrols in Dacca
1971-06-16Times (London)Letter: Tragedy of Bengal
1971-06-17Times (London)India takes arms from guerrillas as precaution
1971-06-17Times (London)Threat to end aid to Pakistan
1971-06-17Times (London)Diplomats’ warnings that went unheeded
1971-06-17Times (London)Oxfam fear of typhoid in refugee camps
1971-06-17Times (London)Indian criticism of relief puzzles UN men
1971-06-18Times (London)Letters: The right sort of disaster aid
1971-06-18Times (London)More cholera in West Bengal
1971-06-19Times (London)E Bengal freedom fighters plan monsoon offensive
1971-06-19Times (London)Last British tea planters are abandoning Sylhet
1971-06-19Times (London)The Times Diary Backgrounder
1971-06-19Times (London)India needs £150m for refugees this year
1971-06-20Times (London)Pogrom in Pakistan
1971-06-21Times (London)British MP says violence has ended in Pakistan
1971-06-21Times (London)Pressure to keep rule of Army in Pakistan
1971-06-21Times (London)Indian army warned to be ready for worst
1971-06-22Times (London)Indian MPs accuse UN refugee commissioner of bias in favour of President Yahya Khan
1971-06-22Times (London)Briton shot in E Pakistan
1971-06-23Times (London)In Dacca, feelings of fear give way to sullenness
1971-06-23Times (London)Refugee stories oppose MP’s view
1971-06-23Times (London)Editorial: LIVING THROUGH THE TRAGEDY
1971-06-24Times (London)Border search for Britons
1971-06-24Times (London)Aid officials fear that East Pakistan faces year of famine
1971-06-24Times (London)Relief aid to India raised to over £8m
1971-06-25Times (London)India asks US to seize arms cargoes bound for Pakistan
1971-06-26Times (London)Minister hints that India may go to war over E Bengal
1971-06-28Times (London)India increases forces on western border
1971-06-29Times (London)India warns President Yahya that it will resist his new plan to transfer power in Pakistan
1971-06-29Times (London)MP says refugees would be unwise to return
1971-06-30Times (London)Mrs Gandhi fears border spark could start war
1971-06-30Times (London)British MPs shaken by Bengal misery
1971-07-01Times (London)Villagers still pay with lives for being Hindus in Pakistan
1971-07-01Times (London)Indian plea for 3,000 miles of tent material
1971-07-02Times (London)Shocked Britons found fear in Pakistan
1971-07-03Times (London)British planters return to E Pakistan estates
1971-07-03Times (London)President Yahya dashes hopes of reconciliation
1971-07-03Times (London)Letters:
1971-07-05Times (London)Indian dove turns into a hawk
1971-07-05Times (London)Jute mills face shortage of raw materials
1971-07-06Times (London)Troops called in to check Naxalite violence
1971-07-06Times (London)Pakistan protest to Britain
1971-07-06Times (London)Disaster aid must match technology, says U Thant
1971-07-07Times (London)France bans supplies of arms to Pakistan
1971-07-07Times (London)Letters to the Editor
1971-07-08Times (London)India alerts army units in Kashmir and accuses Pakistan of plot to infiltrate troublemakers
1971-07-08Times (London)£833,000 a day needed for refugees
1971-07-09Times (London)Self-defeating slaughter in East Pakistan
1971-07-10Times (London)Bangla Desh rebels cut rail links
1971-07-10Times (London)Kissinger talks with President Yahya are ended
1971-07-11Times (London)The repression of Bengal what we must do
1971-07-11Times (London)World Bank report on horror in Pakistan
1971-07-11Times (London)A regime of thugs and bigots
1971-07-12Times (London)World Bank condemns Pakistan Government
1971-07-12Times (London)Pakistan Army intervention set off events which led to vengeance killings in East Bengal
1971-07-12Times (London)Plan for a ‘Punjabi’ constitution
1971-07-13Times (London)Shadow of war on the Indian sub¬continent
1971-07-13Times (London)India accuses U S of condoning genocide
1971-07-13Times (London)Another £1m for Pakistan relief
1971-07-13Times (London)Letters to the Editor
1971-07-14Times (London)Bank report on Bengal destruction
1971-07-14Times (London)U S withholds economic aid to Pakistan
1971-07-15Times (London)Oxfam urge world aid for refugees in India
1971-07-16Times (London)Mr Nixon accepts invitation to China
1971-07-16Times (London)US vote to halt aid to Greece and Pakistan
1971-07-16Times (London)Moscow balancing act in East Bengal crisis
1971-07-16Times (London)Delhi denies intention to bar foreign volunteers
1971-07-19Times (London)E Bengal flare-up forecast as guerrillas prepare drive with 35,000 men
1971-07-20Times (London)Bengal: the limited option open to Pakistan’s President
1971-07-20Times (London)70 officials vanish in Army purge in East Pakistan
1971-07-21Times (London)Pakistan Army faces increased commando action and sabotage missions near border
1971-07-21Times (London)India ready to meet Pakistan threat Foreign Minister says
1971-07-22Times (London)Pakistan generals press for army rule to go on
1971-07-23Times (London)Guerrillas say 20,000 Pakistanis killed
1971-07-23Times (London)India may expel volunteers for fear of spies
1971-07-24Times (London)Indian forces told to attack air intruders
1971-07-27Times (London)Indian anger at UN observer plan for both sides of border
1971-07-27Times (London)Commonwealth mediator may fly to India
1971-07-29Times (London)False picture painted in Delhi of British policy over E Bengal
1971-07-30Times (London)Indian Army is ready to hit back in Bengal
1971-07-30Times (London)Charities need more funds for Pakistan relief
1971-07-30Times (London)A Serious Danger of War in Bengal
1971-07-31Times (London)President Yahya says war is near with India
1971-07-31Times (London)Relief workers ordered to leave India
1971-07-31Times (London)Red Cross to resume aid work in E Pakistan
1971-07-31Times (London)The Times Diary: McCarthy to back Bangla Desh
1971-08-01Times (London)The ‘plot’ against Yahya Khan
1971-08-01Times (London)EDITORIAL: Cholera - what price world sympathy ?
1971-08-02Times (London)Pakistan is renounced by envoy in London
1971-08-02Times (London)Madison Square ovation for two Beatles
1971-08-02Times (London)The Times Diary: Yes, Yahya!
1971-08-03Times (London)Hands Off Pakistan
1971-08-04Times (London)US vote to end Greek and Pakistan aid
1971-08-04Times (London)India repeats its warning over UN observers
1971-08-04Times (London)Letter: Tragedy of Bengal
1971-08-05Times (London)All Bengali diplomats of Pakistan quit in US
1971-08-05Times (London)Ruthless conduct of war in Bangla Desh
1971-08-06Times (London)Pakistan’s version of Bengal uprising
1971-08-06Times (London)Senator Kennedy to visit India
1971-08-07Times (London)Gromyko visit to Delhi leads to speculation that war with Pakistan may be imminent
1971-08-09Times (London)Mr Gromyko in Delhi for crucial talks
1971-08-10Times (London)Indians sign surprise treaty of friendship with Moscow
1971-08-10Times (London)Sheikh Mujib trial begins tomorrow in secret
1971-08-10Times (London)- And on the bengal border
1971-08-10Times (London)The Times Diary: Pak again
1971-08-10Times (London)Purpose of Gromyko mission to Delhi was to avert a war
1971-08-10Times (London)UN needs £60m quickly for Bengal refugees
1971-08-10Times (London)Mrs Gandhi presents Bill to abolish maharajahs
1971-08-10Times (London)Million Indians at Bangla Desh mass rally
1971-08-10Times (London)Mr Rogers sees U Thant over Pakistan
1971-08-11Times (London)Pakistanis call off the Kennedy mission
1971-08-11Times (London)Letter: Shaikh Mujib’s trial
1971-08-12Times (London)EDITORIAL: The fate of Sheikh Mujib
1971-08-12Times (London)Bengali threat to kill Pakistan hostages if Shaikh is harmed
1971-08-12Times (London)Russia and India call for a political solution in E Bengal
1971-08-13Times (London)Bengalis warn UN that its observers will be killed
1971-08-13Times (London)Pakistan keeps silent on trial of Shaikh Mujib
1971-08-13Times (London)The Times Diary: Menon again
1971-08-13Times (London)Letters: The trial of Shaikh Mujib
1971-08-14Times (London)Kennedy mission gives warning of danger to refugee children
1971-08-14Times (London)Lawyer exile offers to defend shaikh
1971-08-14Times (London)The Times Diary
1971-08-16Times (London)Ad demanding end of Mujib's trial
1971-08-16Times (London)Tension higher on Pakistan border as Indian trains are blown up
1971-08-16Times (London)Letters: In East Pakistan
1971-08-16Times (London)Editorial: MOSCOW THINKS IT OUT
1971-08-17Times (London)Mr Kennedy convinced of genocide in E Bengal
1971-08-18Times (London)Relief mission halted in East Pakistan
1971-08-18Times (London)Irish appeal in Pakistan
1971-08-20Times (London)Trials planned for 190 Awami League victors at the election
1971-08-20Times (London)Shift of policy by Mrs Gandhi upsets Bengalis
1971-08-21Times (London)Top lawyer named to defend Shaikh
1971-08-23Times (London)British charity officials off to E Pakistan
1971-08-23Times (London)Pakistan envoy to London again
1971-08-26Times (London)Mission from Stepney to Bengal refugees
1971-08-27Times (London)India faces big rise in bill for refugees
1971-08-28Times (London)General strike disrupts Bengal flood relief
1971-08-31Times (London)New floods affect thousands in W Bengal
1971-08-31Times (London)India alleges relief workers spied
1971-09-01Times (London)The slow march of famine
1971-09-02Times (London)Civilian has task of winning back E Pakistan
1971-09-02Times (London)India names new envoy
1971-09-03Times (London)Letters: Needs and facts in East Pakistan
1971-09-04Times (London)Relief team to risk arrest in E Pakistan
1971-09-06Times (London)Pakistan stops British aid volunteer team
1971-09-06Times (London)Amnesty frees Pakistan detainees
1971-09-07Times (London)Pakistan’s concessions bring about a thaw in relations with U S
1971-09-07Times (London)Editorial: SPECIAL COURTS AND SECRET TRIALS
1971-09-08Times (London)Aid Britons arrested
1971-09-08Times (London)Curbing the power of the Punjab
1971-09-10Times (London)Mrs Gandhi curtails her Kashmir visit
1971-09-11Times (London)Five-party group formed to coordinate Bengal fight
1971-09-13Times (London)Now floods mean one million children with acute malnutrition
1971-09-13Times (London)Force of 5,000 trained guerrillas joins Bangla Desh resistance as reprisals by Army continue
1971-09-13Times (London)Dangers to famine relief in East Bengal
1971-09-14Times (London)Editorial: THE GREAT TRAGEDY OF BENGAL
1971-09-15Times (London)President Yahya sees Shah
1971-09-15Times (London)Doctors say 100,000 children are in peril
1971-09-15Times (London)U Thant meets press for last time at UN
1971-09-16Times (London)Pakistan anti-guerrilla reprisals force more refugees across the border
1971-09-16Times (London)Gen Yahya’s visit wins support of Teheran
1971-09-17Times (London)Pakistan Army withdrawal is demanded
1971-09-17Times (London)Food distribution problems as Bengal floods recede
1971-09-18Times (London)Travel by journalists in W Bengal restricted
1971-09-24Times (London)Bangla Desh leaders ready for international relief operation if the safeguards are adequate
1971-09-25Times (London)British ship holed in Pakistan port by East Bengal frogmen
1971-09-25Times (London)Meeting of Catholic Relief Agencies
1971-09-28Times (London)Dinner for Mrs Gandhi cancelled in Moscow
1971-09-28Times (London)Angry exchanges at UN over Bengal refugees
1971-09-29Times (London)Mr Kosygin rebukes Pakistan refugees
1971-09-29Times (London)20 give evidence at secret trial of Shaikh Mujib
1971-09-30Times (London)Mrs Gandhi and Soviet leaders fail to agree
1971-09-30Times (London)Editorial: A POLITICAL SOLUTION FOR EAST BENGAL
1971-10-02Times (London)Russia calls for settlement in East Bengal
1971-10-04Times (London)Appeal from OXFAM
1971-10-05Times (London)UN appeals for more Bengal aid after floods wreck camps
1971-10-05Times (London)Times Diary: To the Top
1971-10-06Times (London)Pakistan accuses India of waging clandestine war
1971-10-07Times (London)More refugees expected to cross from East Pakistan
1971-10-08Times (London)Waiter charged with theft of £1m Vermeer
1971-10-10Times (London)PAKISTAN : the propaganda war - Who pays the Pakistani piper
1971-10-10Times (London)Charting disaster
1971-10-11Times (London)Ban on political activity lifted in Pakistan
1971-10-12Times (London)Border build-up brings warning from India
1971-10-12Times (London)President Yahya quoted by Shaikh’s defence
1971-10-13Times (London)Pakistan told that India is preparing to attack
1971-10-14Times (London)UN refugee warning of ‘terrible drama’ in India
1971-10-15Times (London)Refugee burden sends India into recession
1971-10-15Times (London)Sharp increase in Soviet criticism of Pakistan
1971-10-15Times (London)Politician is shot dead in Dacca
1971-10-15Times (London)War in E Bengal hindering relief
1971-10-16Times (London)Senate axes $850m from foreign aid plans
1971-10-18Times (London)Soviet move reported to head off Indian war
1971-10-19Times (London)Britain gives £8.5m more for Bengal relief
1971-10-19Times (London)Another £8.5m for relief of Pakistan refugees
1971-10-19Times (London)Mrs Gandhi tells President Tito that India does not want to go to war with Pakistan
1971-10-20Times (London)Mrs Gandhi rejects meeting with President Yahya and turns down border withdrawal plan
1971-10-20Times (London)Pakistan cargo risk rates doubled
1971-10-21Times (London)Mr Kosygin worried by Pakistan
1971-10-21Times (London)The Times Diary: Pakistan PR
1971-10-22Times (London)Soviet minister on surprise visit to Delhi
1971-10-22Times (London)Editorial: ACTS OF WAR ARE STILL POSSIBLE
1971-10-23Times (London)India reported calling up Army reserves
1971-10-25Times (London)Mrs Gandhi flies abroad in spite of war threat
1971-10-25Times (London)Kremlin envoy meets leaders of Bangla Desh
1971-10-25Times (London)Obsession with war on the Indian sub-continent
1971-10-26Times (London)EDITORIAL: Stop the slaughter
1971-10-26Times (London)Secret Soviet pact to supply arms to India
1971-10-27Times (London)Presidential pardon for Shaikh Mujib possible
1971-10-28Times (London)Soviet commitment to come to aid of India is linked with belief that Pakistan is on way to war
1971-10-29Times (London)Profit from Oval
1971-10-29Times (London)Mrs Gandhi grows angry over observers plan
1971-10-29Times (London)Editorial: MRS INDIRA GANDHI STATES HER CASE
1971-10-30Times (London)Mrs Gandhi in weekend talks at Chequers
1971-10-31Times (London)Inside Bengal: The terror with two faces
1971-11-01Times (London)Mrs Gandhi wants swift action over Bengal
1971-11-01Times (London)UN wanted
1971-11-02Times (London)Mukti Bahini set a 12-month target
1971-11-02Times (London)India claims air violation as border tension grows
1971-11-02Times (London)Mrs Gandhi on return of refugees
1971-11-03Times (London)Bengali diplomats stage a walk-out
1971-11-03Times (London)East Bengal guerrillas regret they were not prepared for Gen Yahya’s tanks
1971-11-03Times (London)Mrs Gandhi applauded by students in Oxford
1971-11-03Times (London)More Pakistanis defect
1971-11-04Times (London)53 East Pakistani MPs to get in without poll
1971-11-04Times (London)Air clash over frontier
1971-11-05Times (London)Wave of sabotage in East Bengal as border tension rises
1971-11-05Times (London)Separate services
1971-11-06Times (London)Russia flies arms to India as Pakistanis open talks in Peking
1971-11-08Times (London)China pledges ‘resolute support’ if Pakistan soil is invaded
1971-11-08Times (London)Peking pledge of support fails to meet Pakistan military hopes
1971-11-08Times (London)Washington to end supply of arms to Karachi
1971-11-08Times (London)Red Cross aid sought for relief in East Bengal
1971-11-08Times (London)Cyclone flattens homes in East Pakistan
1971-11-08Times (London)Editorial: INDIA AND PAKISTAN GO OUT CANVASSING
1971-11-09Times (London)The terror that perpetuates terror
1971-11-09Times (London)Pakistan hint that China will not join in war
1971-11-09Times (London)Bengal guerrillas step up number of assassinations and bombings
1971-11-09Times (London)Mrs Gandhi speaks out in Paris
1971-11-09Times (London)India gambles on risk of China coming to Pakistan’s aid
1971-11-10Times (London)India gambles on risk of China coming to Pakistan’s aid
1971-11-10Times (London)Pakistanis weigh up chances of swift assault in Kashmir
1971-11-10Times (London)E Bengal villages to be fined
1971-11-11Times (London)E Pakistan claims 102 Indians dead in clashes
1971-11-12Times (London)Pakistan mood less belligerent
1971-11-13Times (London)Washington fear of Indo-Pakistan war
1971-11-13Times (London)Troops now massed on both sides of East Bengal border
1971-11-13Times (London)India plans blockade of Pakistan in a war
1971-11-15Times (London)Mrs. Gandhi asks cabinet to give world last chance to solve crisis
1971-11-15Times (London)Bangla Desh blamed for attack on ship
1971-11-16Times (London)India claims border battle victory
1971-11-22Times (London)13 divisions alleged to have crossed border
1971-11-23Times (London)Pakistan accuses Indians of launching all-out offensive
1971-11-23Times (London)Delhi dismisses reports as mere propaganda
1971-11-24Times (London)Undeclared war as ‘guerrillas’ invade
1971-11-28Times (London)Yahya may have to face war on three fronts
1971-11-28Times (London)Mrs. Gandhi turns the screw
1971-12-03Times (London)I back Indira and freedom
1971-12-06Times (London)Hijacker ‘inspired’
1971-12-12Times (London)The war of the 700 million
1971-12-13Times (London)China s attitude to the Indo-Pakistan conflict
1971-12-13Times (London)Is there a way to peace?
1971-12-17Times (London)Pledge on preventing reprisals
1971-12-17Times (London)Guarantee of safety in surrender terms
1971-12-17Times (London)President Yahya breaks the news
1971-12-17Times (London)The future of Bangladesh
1971-12-18Times (London)Humiliated Pakistan is in no position to bargain
1971-12-18Times (London)President Yahya explains cease-fire order
1971-12-18Times (London)INDIA AND PAKISTAN: Pakistan strategy at fault, says Gen. Aurora
1971-12-18Times (London)Bangladesh government prepares for new era
1971-12-18Times (London)Russians follow US fleet
1971-12-18Times (London)Mr. Chou causes walk out by Soviet envoy
1971-12-18Times (London)British offer of help in bringing about a lasting settlement
1971-12-18Times (London)US welcomes cease-fire
1971-12-22Times (London)Sheikh Mujib will be freed from jail but put under house arrest
1971-12-22Times (London)Mr. Bhutto still obsessed by Kashmir
1971-12-22Times (London)Guerrillas join hunt for the tiger'
1971-12-22Times (London)Link with China expected to be strengthened
1971-12-22Times (London)Pakistan gunboat arrives in Malaysia port
1971-12-22Times (London)Bangladesh leaders due in Dacca today after explaining delay
1972-01-09Times (London)Sheikh Mujib In London
1972-01-09Times (London)Dawn landing drama
1972-01-17Times (London)Getting a devastated new nation off its knees
1972-02-06Times (London)Doomsday in Bangladesh
1972-04-08Times (London)The truth teller who came in from the heat